Need a baby registry checklist? If you’re wondering what you should put on your baby registry wonder no more. In this post, I will share with you the must-have and essential baby registry items and the items to leave off of your registry for maximum money savings!
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Starting a baby registry is exciting! You get to make a wish list of all the things you want and most likely other people are going to buy this stuff for you! Yay!
That being said, as Money Hacking Mama, I’m going to recommend you only register for the things you really want or need. At the end of the day, even if other people are buying these items for you it’s still a waste of money if you rarely or never use the items they get you, OR if you can find them cheaper somewhere else.
If this is your first baby you’re probably wondering what the heck you should register for. How are you supposed to know what you really need!? Don’t worry, that’s what I’m here to help you with. Below you’ll find a baby registry checklist with my favorite baby items that I promise you you’ll use (and that I used for my son)! I’ll also share the items to leave off of your registry because you really don’t need them, and a few I’m on the fence about.

Baby Registry Must-Haves
Below is my list of items you should absolutely put on your registry. The reason these items made this baby registry checklist is because you will use them, and in most cases, you probably don’t want these items to be pre-used. Other items are just hard to find gently used, but if you can find them then take them off your registry!
Infant Car Seat
You can find used car seats, but I always wonder if they were in a car accident before and the people aren’t telling me. Also, car seats expire. For me, this was something I didn’t want to chance to get used so I put this car seat on my registry!
Diapers! Tons and tons of DIAPERS!!!
Register for them in all sizes. Someone had a diaper raffle at one of my baby showers and between those and the $100 worth of free diapers we got from having an Amazon Baby Registry we didn’t have to buy any diapers within the first year of my son’s life. Talk about money savings!!!
Baby Wipes with the Container
You don’t go through nearly as many wipes as diapers but they’re a consumable item that you’re going to need for about two years so you might as well stock up now. You don’t need anything fancy, but a container is helpful so you can get a wipe out with only one hand and to keep them from drying out. This is something I forgot to register for, no one bought me, and I forgot to buy it for myself. It got added to the shopping list shortly after Money Hacking Baby was born.
Nose Frida
The Nose Frida thing is AMAZING! It may seem a little gross (that’s why they have the filter), but when you’re baby is sick or has a running or stuffy nose this really allows you to get in there and suck it all out. Happy baby = happy parents. Because it’s sucky snot on one end and in your mouth on the other, I’d recommend registering for a new one.
Baby Socks
You’re going to want some baby socks especially if your baby is born in a month that is cooler. Used ones are perfectly fine, I just don’t find used socks that often. Maybe they’re too cute for parents to give up, or maybe they just disappear too easily. They also work well on their hands if they’re scratching themselves.
Baby Hats
Babies lose a ton of heat through their head. So, if your baby is born when it’s cooler (or if you like to run the AC in your house) make sure you have some baby hats for them to wear and sleep in. You might want to take one to the hospital that matches their homecoming outfit because the one you get at the hospital isn’t super cute.
Baby Bathtub
You’re going to need something to bathe your baby in once his or her bellybutton stump falls off, and I didn’t see many of these used.
Baby Nail Clippers
Babies nails get long fast and they don’t have control of their little hands when they’re firstborn. You’ll want nail clippers to avoid having a baby whose face looks like Edward Scissor Hand’s face. I love the Nose Frida brand nail clippers.
Baby Wash
Another consumable item, you might as well stock up on baby wash.
Crib Mattress
Unless you can find a used one from someone you know you’re probably going to want a new crib mattress for your baby.
Waterproof Mattress Cover
Accidents happen so it’s nice to have a waterproof mattress cover, and you probably don’t want this item used!
When you’re waking up in the middle of the night to feed the baby it is so nice to not have to turn on a major light! Using night lights instead will make it easier for you and the baby to go back to sleep.
Sound Machine
Babies are used to white noise when they’re inside of you. A sound machine helps mimic that sound and helps them sleep better and not wake up as easily if there are other sounds in your house.
Cool-Mist Humidifier
When your baby is sick a cool-mist humidifier is helpful to keep their airways opened up.
Crib Sheets
You’ll probably want new ones that match the theme of your nursery so go ahead and register for them. The one linked here is super soft.
Changing Table Pad
I didn’t get a separate changing table, I just used a dresser and put a changing table pad on top of it. Because gross things happen on changing table pads you’ll probably want to get a new one.
Changing Table Pad Covers
You’ll probably want a cover that matches the theme of your nursery and, again, gross things happen on changing table covers so you’ll probably want a new one.
Diaper Bag
I’d highly recommend trying it out in-store first. I registered for one that I thought was really cute, but it was too big and bulky and the zipper broke really fast. I ended up just buying a regular backpack like this one at Ross, and that’s what we’re using to this day.
Milk Storage Bags
Another consumable item, you might as well register for milk storage bags if you plan to breastfeed and build up a stockpile in the freezer.
Washable Nursing Pads
If no one has told you this yet, those boobies are going to leak! It’s ok, that’s what nursing pads are for. I preferred the reusable washable kind.
Nursing Pillow
If you plan to breastfeed, nursing pillows are really helpful and make breastfeeding more comfortable.
Silicon Washable Bibs
Once your baby starts to eat real food it can get really messy! I love these bibs because they don’t stain and you can rinse them off in the sink so easily. Also, when they’re a bit older and you take them out, you can put food in the little trough and they can eat out of it instead of eating off the table.
I didn’t register for bandanas, but someone got some for me and I loved them! They are so cute and instead of changing outfits multiple times a day you can just change their bandanas multiple times a day!
These pacifiers are like crack for babies! That’s a really bad analogy, but they love these things and it really helps most babies go to sleep and self-soothe. They’re inexpensive and you probably don’t want your baby using a used one.
Pacifier Clips
It literally took us months before we thought to buy pacifier clips and they were so useful! 10/10 highly recommend if you’re going to use pacifiers you need pacifier clips!
Even if you’re planning on breastfeeding bottles are good to have around if you need to supplement or if you’re going to need to give them pumped breastmilk at some point. You’ll want to give a bottle on occasion when they’re little so they’re used to it. (I had a friend that didn’t give her daughter a bottle until it was time for her to go back to work and her baby refused the bottle because she wasn’t used to it! You don’t want a starving baby that only you can feed.)
Bottle Warmer
Even if you’re planning on breastfeeding, I’d recommend getting a bottle warmer. This way, your partner can do one of the night time feedings and you can sleep!
Bottle Brush
If you have bottles you need a way to clean them. If you wouldn’t buy a used sponge you probably don’t want a used bottle brush.
If you aren’t nursing you’ll want to stock up on formula. Also, even if you are nursing you may want to have a some around so you can supplement if you aren’t producing enough milk and your baby is hungry. If you’re planning on breastfeeding you probably don’t need to register for it because you’ll probably get free samples if you ask for them at the hospital.
Baby Thermometer
If your baby feels warm you’ll want a way to check if they’re sick with a thermometer.
Baby Registry Maybes
Below is my list of items you should maybe put on your registry. The reason these items “kinda” made this baby registry checklist is because you will use them, but you can probably find them pre-used or they should be provided by your insurance.
Baby Monitor
You can often find baby monitors used, but if you can’t find it used or you want a specific one it’d be a good thing to put on your registry since they usually aren’t cheap. I really like the Nest cam because there’s an app on your phone and you can always use it as a home security camera or a nanny cam once your baby grows up.
Infant Car Seat and Stroller Combo
Strollers are pretty easy to find used, but if you want a car seat and stroller combo that work well together you might as well register for the combo package. This makes a great gift that a group of people can go in on together.
Extra Car Seat Bases
I’m anti-used-car-seat, but I’m pro-used-car-seat-bases. If you don’t want these used or you can’t find them used then you’ll want to add them to your registry.
Dressers are pretty easy to find used as well, but if you want a specific one then go ahead and add it to your registry.
Crib, Bassinet, or Pack n’ Play
Cribs, bassinets, and pack n’ plays are pretty easy to find used as well, but if you don’t like the idea of having a used one then go ahead and add it to your registry because it is a must-have item. Because I got all of these for free as hand-me-downs I had all of them and they were each helpful in their own way. However, if I was going to register or buy just one, I’d say I’d go for an all-in-one type pack n’ play. They’re versatile and you can use them when they’re infants through their toddler days. They also make a great baby “jail” when you need to keep them safe while you poop.
Breast Pump
If you have insurance they have to provide you with a breast pump. However, if you don’t have insurance or you want a specific one then add it to your registry because it is a must-have item if you’re planning on breastfeeding and being away from your baby between feedings.
Baby Registry Leave-Offs
Below is my list of items you should leave off your registry. The reason these items don’t make my baby registry checklist is because you will either not use them, or I know for a fact that you can absolutely find them pre-used or they should be provided by your insurance.
Jogging Stroller
I have a jogging stroller and I love it, but I never would pay $400+ for it! I got mine at an REI garage sale for 25% of the full-price. You can probably find one easily on Craiglist or OfferUp, or like I did at an REI garage sale.
Baby Swing
Like the jogging stroller, I had a swing and I loved it! This is also a must-have item, but it’s not a must-register for item because you can find these used all over the place! Babies only use them for the first year or so and they take up a lot of room so most people don’t keep them for their next baby.
Baby Rocker
Another item I loved, but I recommend you don’t register for because you can easily find a used one. These are great for putting your baby in while they’re taking a nap, while you’re cooking dinner, etc.
Breast Pump
If you have insurance, don’t register for this because your insurance will provide you with one for free!
Baby Clothes
Yes, your baby needs clothes but I guarantee people are going to buy your baby clothes even if you don’t register for them. If they don’t, you can ask around for hand-me-downs and find tons of used baby clothes online, at yard sales, and thrift store. Don’t register for baby clothes because you’ll get them anyways.
High Chair
These are so easy to find for a fraction of the price at thrift stores, yard sales, OfferUp, etc. Don’t worry about registering for it. I’ve linked the one I have and love here, but there are so many similar to this out in the world that you can find much cheaper. I also heard Ikea has a great one for $20!
Baby Wipe Warmer
So your baby loves warm wipes, but then you take him/her out and the wipes aren’t warm anymore, then what? Hysterical baby, that’s what. They’ll never know the difference if you never show them what a warm wipe feels like!
Baby Hair Brush
You’ll get one for free at the hospital. Just take it home with you.
Baby Blankets
If I had a dollar for every baby blanket someone gave me I’d have a lot of dollars! Don’t worry about registering for them, people will get you these (just like clothes) without you asking for them.
Bottle Sanitizer
It’s just another gadget that will take up space in your kitchen. Hot water and soap work just fine. Also, I’m not a scientist or medical professional so correct me if I’m wrong here.
Baby Shoes
I know they’re cute, but they’re not going to wear them. Just buy them cute socks. You can also find cute used shoes that look brand new because infants don’t walk!
You may not get everything you register for and you still may want some of the items on the leave-off list so check out this post to see the 13 hacks I used to save money when I was expecting.
Did I forget to add an item on the baby registry checklist? Let me know in the comments below! I’d love to hear your thoughts.